The risibly random ramblings of an apanthropic hemegomisian hadeharian polymathetischian technophilic tonopoeic transhumanist logolept.

Rachin (op. 89)

Thursday, November 16, 2006 0 comments

In this post, I'll be making the premiere of the first and second movements of my three-part (book of) Job inspired piece, "רחין", that title being the initials of the first of the three lines of text that inspired the piece and its movements:

רוחִי חֻבָּלָה יָמַי נִזְעָכו
(אֶל־אֱלוֺהַ דָּלפָה עֵינִי)
קְבָרִם לִי

The whole score of Opus 89 can be heard here; in a different recording, the second movement ("אֶל־אֱלוֺהַ דָּלפָה עֵינִי") can be heard in solo here, and the third ("קְבָרִם לִי") can found on this blog here.

Mens Turbulenta

Thursday, November 9, 2006 0 comments

Tired, sick, feverish and frustrated one night, I turned to the keys as an outlet, and what resulted was a small piano work, named for the feverish mind that created it. Not completely satisfied with it in that form, the work gradually mutated into a work for strings, which can be heard here.


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