The risibly random ramblings of an apanthropic hemegomisian hadeharian polymathetischian technophilic tonopoeic transhumanist logolept.

Cor Carians

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Details as to the piece, for any curious: it’s a score for string orchestra (violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses) and piano, with ad lib harp. It’s an exploration of the C minor chord and the æolian mode on C. Charpentier’s Regles de Composition (c. 1682) referred to Cm as “obscure and sad”, Schubart (in the work cited a few posts back) claimed it was both a “declaration of love” and “at the same time, the lament of unhappy love,” containing “all languishing, longing” & “sighing of the love-sick soul”, etc. Parts of that may be appropriate—at least in terms of inspiration, regardless of whether the music itself captures or expresses those things.

If anyone chooses to listen—it may be heard here—comments are welcome.

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